Your Recipe Collections and Shopping List
Welcome to our new Recipe Collection and Shopping list generator tool. Here, you can save your favourite low GI recipes, organise them into collections and generate shopping lists based on the recipe ingredients.
If you haven’t saved any recipes yet, it’s as easy as hitting the + SAVE RECIPE button found under the ingredients list on any of our recipes.
Our Recipe Collections
To get you inspired, we’ve collated some of our favourite recipes. If you find a collection that you like, you can add it to your collection.
Check out our current recipe collections below:
Your Recipe Collections
Here you can save your favourite recipes, create your own collections (perfect for meal planning) and then generate a shopping list using the ingredients from your chosen recipes.
Your collections are automatically saved in your browser for later use. You can create as many collections as you want, and edit them at any time.
Don’t know where to start? Add one of our recipe collections above or add a pre-made meal plan template from the link below and start planning!
To view, edit and print your selection of saved recipes, and to generate a shopping list based on the recipes that you have saved, just click My Saved Recipes under Your Collections.